
Spanish list’s fauna:  D

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Source: All information that you can read in this page, is from Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico del Gobierno de España. www.miteco.gob.es

Dartford Warbler

Sylvia undata

It inhabits heathland, gorse and, in general, the degraded scrubland that replaces the old forest. It is 13 cm long and feeds on caterpillars, butterflies, flower-eating beetles, spiders and, in general, the small fauna that live among the bushes frequented by the warbler. It nests in bushes close to the ground.


Cervus elaphus

They are very large animals, measuring approximately 210 centimetres from head to tail. It is therefore the largest ruminant that inhabits our forests. They can weigh up to 220 kilos and their horns can measure up to one metre with 20 points in the oldest animals. In February they shed their horns and retreat into the forest. At all times the females gather with their young, the young in different groups and always apart from the older males. During the rutting season, the males spectacularly defend their possession of the herd when another male comes to dispute it. In May or June the females give birth to one or two calves in a secluded spot in the bush and will suckle them until the next rutting season when they will be able to fend for themselves.


Prunella modularis

It prefers mountainous areas with a dense, low shrub layer. It is therefore scarce in bare areas without undergrowth and in the interior of the forest. It is 14-15 centimetres long and sings practically all year round. It breeds from April to July and in spring and summer feeds on insects, worms, snails and spiders.

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