
Spanish list’s fauna:  P

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Source: All information that you can read in this page, is from Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico del Gobierno de España. www.miteco.gob.es

Peregrine Falcon

Falco peregrinus

Preferably inhabits mountains, cliffs, wild open landscapes, cleared forests and on the ground. It hunts by swooping down on its prey almost vertically, at enormous speed and with its wings glued to its body like a living projectile. It measures 38 to 48 centimetres and feeds on birds up to the size of a pigeon or partridge. It breeds on the ledges of large rocky cliffs, cliffs and occasionally in constructions and nests of other birds in trees. It lays its eggs between March and April.

Pied Avocet

Recurvirostra avosetta

Bird with long legs and a very long, slender beak that curves upwards. Black and white feathers in patches and length 42 centimetres. Male and female are the same. It lives in shallow lagoons with little vegetation, where they move their long bill to capture the placton on which they feed. It breeds in colonies, and the chicks live hidden in the vegetation while their parents feed them.

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse

Pterocles alchata

It is about 47 cm long. Brightly coloured, it attracts attention in flight when it spreads its long, narrow, pointed wings with a white underside. It inhabits stony plains, sandy steppes and muddy ground. It feeds on seeds and green parts of plants. It makes its nest on the ground.

Plain Swift

Apus unicolor

Like all birds of the Apodidae family, they are mainly aerial. They fly very fast, have long wings and short tails. There is hardly any difference between the sexes. They build their nests in hollows. It is endemic to the Canary Islands and Madeira.

Purple Heron

Ardea purpurea

Aquatic bird with a long neck and a long, sharp bill. It feeds on fish and amphibians, and is a predator of the chicks of other birds. It hunts by hiding among vegetation and by giving a strong peck at its victim, which it kills on the spot. It builds its nest with reeds and a ramp so that the chicks can get down to the water comfortably. It has a clutch of 4 or 5 eggs.

Purple Swamphen

Porphirio porphirio

Wading bird about 40 centimetres long, distinguished by its red legs when it flies. It lives on the edges of lagoons with thick vegetation and nests in reedbeds and reedbeds. Adults are dark blue with turquoise throat and breast, juveniles are dirty blue.

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