
Spanish list’s fauna:  H

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Source: All information that you can read in this page, is from Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico del Gobierno de España. www.miteco.gob.es


Coccothraustes coccothraustes

This bird is difficult to see in summer because it hides in the foliage, and in winter because it perches at the top of trees, although it is then that it can sometimes be spotted looking for the seeds it feeds on. It has a very robust beak and bluish-black wings crossed by a striking white stripe. A rare species that lives mainly in dense forests. Round-headed and big-headed, it feeds on hard seeds, which it breaks with its thick beak.

Hen Harrier

Circus cyaneus

The male is grey and white and the female is generally dark brown. It is very common in scrubland, trapping and cereal fields and rarely exceeds 55 cm in length. In Castilla La Mancha it is sedentary, but in more northerly latitudes it migrates to the south of the Iberian Peninsula or to Africa. It builds its nests at ground level and feeds on small mammals, reptiles, amphibians and some crustaceans and insects. It breeds in the north and winters throughout the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

Honey Buzzard

Pernis aviporus

Similar in carriage to the buzzard, it is more slender with longer wings and a longer, narrower tail. Grey head, dark back and light underparts. It feeds on wasp and bee larvae, sometimes hunting mice and small birds, and does not despise eggs. It lives in glades and near forests, usually taking advantage of old corvid nests to lay its eggs. It nests mainly on the Cantabrian coast and in the Pyrenees, and although it is scarce as a nester, it is very common, during the passage season, in any part of the Iberian Peninsula.


Upupa eops

It inhabits open terrain up to mid-mountain, pine forests and even desert areas. It is 28 centimetres long and has a slow, undulating flight. It generally eats on open ground, from toads and frogs to large insects and worms. It builds its nest in holes in old trees and breeds from April to July in nests that progressively, as the chicks grow, increase their nauseating smell due to the accumulation of excrement that the adults cannot evacuate, and the smell of rotting flesh that the chicks have to repel possible intruders that might approach the nest.


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