
Spanish list’s fauna:  T

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Source: All information that you can read in this page, is from Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico del Gobierno de España. www.miteco.gob.es

Tawny Owl

Strix aluco

It lives mainly in old hardwood and coniferous forests and large gardens and parks. It measures 38 centimetres and feeds mainly on small rodents, birds and insects. It builds its nest in tree hollows, nests of other raptors and corvids and occasionally in buildings. It lays its eggs between February and May.

Thekla Lark

Galerida theklae

It is very similar to the great crested lark but has a shorter song with less variation. The crest is fan-shaped, different from the pointed crest of the Crested Lark. It prefers stony slopes with small shrubs and sandy areas with little vegetation. It is sedentary in Portugal and a large part of Spain and the Balearic Islands.

Trumpeter Finch

Bucanetes githagineus

Like all fringillids, it feeds on seeds and has a short, strong beak. It nests in trees, bushes or on the ground.

Tufted Duck

Aythya fuliguda

It is about 43 cm long. It is a small duck with a stocky appearance. The male is black with white flanks and belly, the female, more discreet, is brownish with a small crest and a white spot at the base of the bill. It inhabits still waters with vegetation. It is a diving duck that feeds on molluscs, snails and insect larvae. It makes its nest on the ground.

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