
Spanish list’s fauna:  I

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Source: All information that you can read in this page, is from Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico del Gobierno de España. www.miteco.gob.es

Iberian Magpie

Cyanopica cyanus

It is a wary bird that responds loudly to any hint of danger. The nests of the yellow-rumped tropicbird are grouped in colonies and the members of the group are so close that the chicks are fed by their parents and by other specimens. The yellow-rumped tropicbird is distributed in two very specific and distant areas of the world, one in Spain and Portugal and the other in East Asia. The holm oak pastures and the stone pine and oak forests are the places where we find this endemic Iberian species. It feeds on insects of all sizes, beetles, such as unicorns and dandelions, which it cuts up with its powerful beak, lizards and other small vertebrates, such as frogs and toads, and complements its diet with seeds of all kinds.

Iberian lynx

Lynx pardellus

It belongs to the felidae family. It has good hearing and exceptional eyesight, with its sense of smell being the least developed. Its skin is beautiful and smooth with small black spots all over its body. Its light and graceful figure is due to its long legs and narrow body with an almost concave belly. It feeds on small mammals, rodents and birds. It breeds in caves or in dense bushes in the most inaccessible areas of the forest, its offspring numbering two to four. Spain is one of the few countries where the lynx lives in the wild. It is in danger of extinction.

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