
Spanish list’s fauna:  N

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Source: All information that you can read in this page, is from Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico del Gobierno de España. www.miteco.gob.es

Northern gannet

Sula bassana

It is a naturally marine bird that we usually see very far from the coast. It breeds in large colonies on rocky island cliffs. It feeds on fish, which it hunts by swooping, sometimes from 30 metres or more. It usually flies low, and performs short glides.

Northern goshawk

Accipiter gentilis

It lives in all types of forests, although it prefers coniferous forests, better if they are clear-cut and often near open spaces. It measures 48 to 61 centimetres and feeds mainly on birds and some reptiles and mammals. It almost always builds its nest in the fork of a tree, between 5 and 20 metres above the ground. It lays its eggs between March and May.

Northern Lapwing

Vanellus vanellus

Bird measuring 30 centimetres on average. It nests in ponds with sparse vegetation, and in winter many birds from central and northern Europe “land” on our crops looking for insects and larvae to feed on. Both sexes are the same, with an iridescent green back and black and white head with a long, fine feather.

Northern Pintail

Anas acuta

A majestic and slender bird, both sexes have a pointed tail, which is longer in the male. The male has a grey head, a brownish neck, a white breast and green underparts. The more discreet female is brownish in colour. It can be found in waterlogged areas with little vegetation. It feeds on deep vegetation, although it does not disdain underwater vegetation. It is a purely wintering species, so it can only be seen during the winter months. They gather in flocks.

Northern Raven

Corvus corax

It is a very bold bird that does not hesitate to attack vultures and eagles larger than itself when they pass through its territory, sometimes for no apparent reason. It measures 64 centimetres and has a very large and powerful black beak. It is an omnivorous bird that eats everything, including carrion. It breeds from February to May on rocky ledges in a nest of mud and branches.

Northern Shoveller

Northern Shoveller

As is often the case, the plumage of the male is more varied and colourful than that of the female. The male has a green head and chestnut chest and sides. The female is brown and only in both the mirror is green and the front edge of the wings is blue.The most identifiable feature of this bird, from which it gets its name, is its bill. It is a large beak, wide at the end, with fibrils on the edge that act as a filter, where it retains suspended zooplankton and phytoplankton. In Doñana and Castilla – La Mancha it is the only breeding site in Spain. Nesting depends on the amount of free surface water during the breeding season.

Northern Wheatear

Oenanthe oenanthe

It lives mainly on stony ground, rocky meadows on the alpine floor, moorland and cliffs. It is 15 centimetres long and nests in holes, rocky crags and even rabbit burrows. It breeds from April to June and feeds mainly on small beetles, but does not disdain some seeds.

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